• How to survive the 3-year cliff.
    Most businesses fail after 3 years because the founders’ initial networks can no longer deliver enough new leads. It doesn’t have to be that way. If you’ve found yourself in that slough of despond, or if you’re 2 years in and think that your business is going to keep growing happily without any further work…
  • Facebook Marketing 101: A Comprehensive Guide for Startups
    Facebook has transformed from a simple social media site into a giant in the industry. Today, about 200 million businesses worldwide use Facebook to market their products and services, and we expect this number to rise in the coming years. This highlights the importance of mastering Facebook marketing. Do you want to lead the pack…
  • From Idea to Success: Startups That Validated on Facebook
    Are you a startup founder with a brilliant idea but unsure how to validate it? Facebook marketing could be the key to testing your concept, refining it based on feedback, and ultimately launching a successful product or service. In this blog post, we’ll explore how startups can leverage Facebook’s powerful marketing tools to go from…

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