Author: Jessica Iwayemi


Get The Most Of Your Content With This Simple Flow Chart

Your content could make you so much money but you’re sleeping on it. We talked about our $500,000 blog post last year, and its value has only gone up since then. How? Well, imagine: you’ve managed to snag a leading industry expert for a guest appearance on your LinkedIn or Instagram Live – depending on

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prepping your go-to-market experiment part 2

Prepping your first Go-to-Market experiment (Part 2)

Dear Founder, here’s a quick recap from our previous conversation, where we spoke about running your first go-to-market experiment: One – Research is essential to running a successful first go-to-market experiment. Two – Your research should cover three main parts: The market, the potential audience, and your competitors. With all this in place, you’re ready to

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Your big Why helps you grow

Use your big Why to guide you as you grow

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do what you do.” That’s the tagline for Simon Sinek’s TED Talk, “Start With Why.” Viewed more than 21 million times, it has become something of a mantra for entrepreneurs and business leaders everywhere. But how does this concept actually apply to your business? The

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high-conversion landing page

Write a high-conversion landing page in 30 minutes (or less)

Thirty minutes doesn’t seem like enough time to write a landing page, much less a high-conversion landing page. However, with the right tools, a proper outline, and the key selling value of your product, you should have the copy for your landing page ready to go in 20-30 minutes or less. Moroever, it’s essential to

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how to write a landing page

How to write a Landing Page

What makes a good landing page? Anyone can whack a few words together and throw them with some screenshots into a webpage. Does that make a landing page? Not always. Trevor, CrowdTamers’ founder, recently critiqued quite a few landing pages and what he did may have seemed arbitrary, but there are actually a few simple

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I’m gonna give the key idea to CrowdTamers as a business away here as a thanks for reading this far. You can boil all good marketing down to 2 ideas: content and growth. CrowdTamers specializes in using content to discover how to build a growth engine. Sound interesting? Let’s chat!