Tag: Branding

Launch Today

The One Thing Standing Between You and Your First Million in Revenue

What according to you, is the most important factor in scaling your startup to $1 million ARR? Is it a groundbreaking product? A killer marketing strategy? A super-talented team? While all these elements matter, there’s something far more fundamental that many founders overlook: brand strategy. In a recent episode of the Launch Today podcast, I

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Your Brand Sucks (If you don’t do these 5 things)

For the last 6 years, I’ve taught a workshop in various forms that I now call “Your Brand Sucks (if you don’t do these 5 things)” on 3 different continents. It’s usually a 4 – 6 hour workshop, but I recently recorded it as a 30 minute webinar for marketing / agency networking community Communo.

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Content & Growth: Building a marketing engine

The last post I wrote ended with: You can boil good marketing down to 2 ideas: content and growth. So let’s talk about those. Content Content starts with brand. Brand is a confusing idea. Many people think of brand as your logo and–maybe–your overall storytelling approach to marketing. Brand, as I define it, is way

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How to make $20 Million Dollars with Content Marketing

I’ve been a marketer and a growth hacker for more than a decade and a half, and while I haven’t worked for tech giants like Google or Facebook, I have launched the marketing efforts for companies all over the world, and built 5 multi-million dollar businesses so far. Building from scratch, I’ve created teams and

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I’m gonna give the key idea to CrowdTamers as a business away here as a thanks for reading this far. You can boil all good marketing down to 2 ideas: content and growth. CrowdTamers specializes in using content to discover how to build a growth engine. Sound interesting? Let’s chat!