Tag: Startups

Launch Today

From Startup Struggles to $1M ARR: Scott Marovitz Shares His Secrets

You’re a founder, pouring your heart and soul into your startup. The dream? Hitting that magical $1 million ARR. But let’s be real, it’s no walk in the park. It’s like climbing a mountain with no map, no gear, and no guarantee if you’ll ever reach the top. Every founder goes through this. The key

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Launch Today

The One Thing Standing Between You and Your First Million in Revenue

What according to you, is the most important factor in scaling your startup to $1 million ARR? Is it a groundbreaking product? A killer marketing strategy? A super-talented team? While all these elements matter, there’s something far more fundamental that many founders overlook: brand strategy. In a recent episode of the Launch Today podcast, I

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Minimum Viable Sprints: The fastest GTM Growth Hack you’ve never heard of.

So maybe I’m crazy. But after 5 years of teaching about minimum viable sprints and using it in my marketing practice for virtually every kind of campaign I want to create, 90% of us are approaching new marketing campaigns the wrong way. When you start a campaign, what do you do? You write a project

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Building a top of funnel test campaign on Facebook

Need to build a campaign to validate your first startup idea? You’ll want to build a top of funnel marketing test to drive clicks to the new landing page. If you’ve never bought a Facebook ad campaign before, don’t worry: there are just a few steps. There are thousands of blog posts that talk about

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Content Marketing

The Wolf and the Rat: Trading money for time in new startups

A successful startup needs to balance their only two resources—time and money—and the wolf eats money with a gleeful howl. So startups try their hardest to get the most out of every penny they feed that wolf.

The other resource—time—is consumed quietly by a thousand small rats in the basement. There’s nothing loud and showy about how this vanishes, nibbled away in meetings and false starts, in projects half completed and deals left unfinished.

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