Thirty minutes doesn’t seem like enough time to write a landing page, much less a high-conversion landing page.
However, with the right tools, a proper outline, and the key selling value of your product, you should have the copy for your landing page ready to go in 20-30 minutes or less. Moroever, it’s essential to do a few things before you launch into writing your landing page copy.
Where to start when writing a high-conversion landing page.
The typical landing page is made of different parts, as outlined in this blog post. While some things are standard practice when writing your landing page; like your bold headline and explanatory subhead, this outline isn’t set in stone. Essentially, you have the freedom to move things around in a way you feel will have the most impact. However, you need to understand the flow of it – from your headlines and CTA to your choice of social proof, know what comes first and what comes next.
At CrowdTamers, here’s an outline we use when writing our landing pages:
- An attention-grabbing headline
- Explanatory subhead
- Social proof x2
- Benefits
- Process – How it works
- Who it’s for
- Secondary CTA
- (optionally) Pricing
This framework helps you get a flow for your writing and how you want to write for the most impact as seen below.

Next off, the three rhetorical appeals.
We’ve written about how you can use the three rhetorical appeals or approaches when writing about any product or service. Firstly, it’s important to note that rhetorical appeals are derived from the three classical arguments developed by Aristotle 2,500 years ago – logos, pathos, and ethos, aka logic, emotions, and authority (or social proof).
Understanding these appeals is the foundation of anything we write at CrowdTamers as it gives you three different ways to approach your writing. These appeals, you can create persuasive and engaging content that resonates with your audience. Moreover, it can help you establish credibility and trust with your readers. Identifying which appeal to use depends on your target audience and the purpose of your writing. As a result, you can tailor your message to your audience and achieve your desired outcome.
Appeals make your writing more impactful
Using rhetorical appeals can make your writing more effective and impactful. Therefore, it’s crucial to master the use of these appeals in your writing.
If all of this sounds strange to you, you should read our post about how to write 18 high-performance headlines in 10 minutes and come back here.
A quick and dirty explanation of what the appeals are:
- The logical appeal speaks to your product’s value in terms of numbers and how it saves you time and money.
- The emotional appeal speaks to the positive and negative emotions tied to the use of your product. The negative emotion speaks to the pain point that your product addresses and the positive would speak to how the product makes their lives better.
- Social proof uses testimonials and stories from your audience to drive home the offer/benefit of your product. This can be in the form of quotes from a well-known, industry-relevant personality, someone who’s used your product, or in the form of a tweet or comment from social media.
It’s essential to think of these appeals as different ways of pitching your product to your audience. Moreover, knowing which appeal to use when writing your landing page will give you clarity and hasten your writing. Additionally, by choosing the appropriate appeal, you can convince your audience to take action and make a purchase.
Be clear on your audience, problem, and offer.

Seeing as this is typically the early stage of your marketing, it’s helpful to know exactly who you’re talking to, what problem you’re solving, and what the offer is.
Who is your client? What is the challenge they face? How does your product make their life better? How will their lives change after using your product?
Knowing the answers to all these questions will help you craft your pitch to make the desired impact when your readers come to your landing page.
Now that you have prepped all the elements – your appeal, the outline, and a clear understanding of your offer and audience – we can go on to the next task, which is writing out the different parts of the outline with the relevant appeals.
Now let’s put this into practice, shall we?
Your Headline
The first part of your landing page, your headline, is the first thing anyone sees. It has to speak to your product or service’s value and how it makes life easier for your audience. This means that your appeal here can either be logical: “Increase your conversions by XXX% with Brain Booster” or emotional “Face your investors with results …and confidence“.
Done right, your headline will catch your visitor’s attention and keep them on your page. This is because the headline speaks to their pain point, giving them a possible solution to a problem that they currently face.
Explanatory subhead
An extension of your headline gives more information about what the product/service is about and how it can make life easier, better, or cheaper for them. The appeal here is emotional – a positive emotion is always a plus because your product is the solution they’ve been looking for, depending on their pain point.
This part shouldn’t be too wordy. Remember, you’re writing for impact.
Depending on what part of your marketing funnel you are, you want to inject as much urgency as you can here. Think compelling and persuasive. It helps if there’s a hook – ‘Get 50% off your first order, ‘Use NAME free for one month.’
Social Proof
These are always organic responses to using your product, an appeal on its own. Find the most compelling few you can find. Remember that people tend to trust reviews from real people so find the best of the ones you have for the landing page.
You have to be careful here not to slip from benefits into features. Benefits speak to the problem your product solves, while the features talk about what the product can do. The appeal to use here varies from logical – how the product saves you time and money or improves a particular industry metric
it can be emotional – how it solves a specific, recurring issue, how the product makes you feel when you use it or a community of people already enjoying the product in question.
You only need 3-4 benefits with a short, explanatory copy underneath the headlines.
Process (or how it works).
This is purely logical – how you can start using the product. However, you should ensure that your steps here aren’t more than three or four at the most. And when you write, you have to make the process seem as easy as possible. It doesn’t make sense to have your solution too complicated to use.
Who it is for.
You can be very direct here – tech founders, Financial analysts. HR experts
you can approach it from a more explanatory, emotional – appeal POV – ‘Tech founders who want to launch that idea,’ ‘Financial analysts who want to tell better visual stories.’
Whatever appeal you choose, it’s best to test and see which resonates with your audience.
Then you bring back your CTA and another fresh batch of social proof. The more, the merrier.
The last point, which is optional, is your pricing, and it’s usually a clickable button/card.
Here’s a real-life application of everything so far
It’s great to talk about how it works, but it’s even better to show you how to use it.
Our client works in the L&D space. They’re a command center for team growth – giving you access to mentors and coaches to give your team the skills they need to meet and surpass company goals. We know that L&D professionals are looking for ways to keep their teammates ahead of the learning curve so they can contribute to company goals. Another thing they also look out for are programs that can effectively track the effectiveness of their L&D activities and how it affects company ROI. Knowing all of this, we’ll get into writing the copy for our high-conversion landing page.
Here’s what the outline of a high-conversion landing page looks like
1 | Headline | “Build high-performing teams that’ll make you proud. “ |
2 | Explanatory Subhead | Everything you need to boost your team’s skills and performance is on NAME. Get access to over 1000+ expert mentors, trainers, and coaches and one-on-one customized learning for your team members. |
4 | Social Proof | Thanks to NAME, we’ve been able to scale employee development six-fold — for the exact same spend” – PERSON NAME. (Job title, Company Name) |
5 | Benefits | Why NAME: Data-driven L&D courses Data-driven tools that match and measure your learning and development goals. This way, you get the most out of your team and prove to management the effect of your L&D activities. Connect with the perfect mentor Find expert trainers and mentors that PERFECTLY match your growth goals and KPIs. Fortify your employees with the skills they need to succeed. Customized learning for your team Don’t do L&D for the heck of it. With personalized one-on-one learning for your employees, give them the EXACT skills needed for maximum impact. |
6 | Process | How to unlock your high performers 1. Define challenges and KPIs 2. Get matched with an expert 3. Measure the impact on your business |
7 | Who it’s for | L&D professionals, team managers, high achievers |
9 | Social Proof | “By using the advanced data capabilities of the GrowthSpace platform, we could track employee progress and correlate it with business results” – Liad (Job title, Company Name) |
Your landing page’s final look
This is what your landing page should look like by the time you’re through, which means you can now focus on editing and rewriting for maximum effect.
If you’ve found this useful and it is something you’d want to replicate when building your own landing page, here’s a downloadable template you can use.
And if you’ve used it, share it with a friend and tell us in the comment section what you think about it.