Category: Business

cold email CRM using Google sheets

Your first cold email CRM should be Google Sheets. Really.

You might think you need to spend big bucks on software like SalesForce, Base, Hubspot, and so on for your first cold email CRM.  You don’t. I promise. Believe it or not, Google Sheets has everything you need for your first cold email CRM.  I’ve used Google Sheets to set up Account Based Marketing (ABM)

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the million dollar funnel

Case Study: Content Marketing & The Million Dollar Funnel

Eight months ago, I published a blog post about the 9 experiments to take you from $0 in revenue to building the understanding and fundamentals of a million-dollar funnel. Since then, it’s earned me $250,000. That’s kind of interesting, but what’s more interesting than that it has made that much money despite only getting 1,300

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branding mistakes

Branding Fails! 5 Branding mistakes you’re making & ow to fix ’em

You may recall Trevor’s declaration that your brand sucks (if you don’t do these 5 things). There are many ways to businesses make branding mistakes, so it’s worth revisiting as a reminder of how to correct when you’re struggling. Mistake #1: No unique value proposition A value proposition is both really easy to construct and

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Build your site with

Launch Lightning fast: Build Your Site with

Recently we’ve talked about the importance of launching today to validate your ideas and also how to build a WordPress website to launch a landing page in a few hours. But WordPress requires you can install a SQL database and comfort with somewhat advanced web technology. What if you want a simple way to build

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Why your customer personas fail?

When can customer personas fail?

Customer personas are incredibly helpful tools for Marketing and UX work. So, why do they often fail? Let’s talk about the pitfalls that cause personas to fail and how to avoid and overcome them. To get a better sense of your better, you need to have a customer persona. So what’s a persona? A Persona

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Why launch your business idea today?

Inside every employee is an idea for a business that they’re convinced could make a million dollars. For almost everyone, that idea remains pure, unblemished, and a wistful possibility that is never threatened with reality. There are good reasons that most people’s business ideas never even approach fruition: the statistics of business success are grim.

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Google Analytics Data

Your Google Analytics data is wrong. Here’s how you can fix it

Guess what? Most Google Analytics setups are broken. People are reporting results using screwed-up data. Organizations are deciding what to remove, publish or change on their websites – by looking at the wrong reports. What is to be done about it? Plenty. You might think, “I don’t really use Google Analytics, so I’ll get round to fixing

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niche marketing
Grow to Market

Win your market with Niche Marketing

CrowdTamers focuses on helping startups find the first small, well-defined market that they can tackle—called a niche—which is defined usually by having a single type of person who has a narrow problem they want to be solved, and you can focus on delivering exactly what they want. It removes you from consideration for almost every

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This is why your Content Marketing is failing!

So you’ve got your content marketing strategy all laid out, but somehow it’s not working? B2B content marketing strategies often fail because they are either too promotional or not focused on the customer’s needs. In this blog post, we will explore some of the common mistakes that marketers make with B2B content marketing and how

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Creating good positioning tests 3 ways

Most founders don’t understand what makes a good test. 💡 A good test tries several bold new approaches to talking about what you do, speaks to several different audiences, or repackages your existing feature set into completely different products. Testing minor variants of language are not gonna cut it. Let’s start with the first one:

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AI Content Generator Tools Comparison

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the way marketers create content. Creative marketing teams are always looking for ways to increase their content production without sacrificing quality. There are countless AI content tools today to help content writers. And in this article, we compare 5 of the most popular software on the market. Jarvis AI Jarvis is

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CrowdTamers AI Launch Report: Week 2

I was reminded by a recent Twitter thread about “what constitutes an MVP” that I’m confident launching just a landing page and seeing if there’s demand long before I build a product and I did just that for CrowdTamers AI, I promised a follow up to our initial CrowdTamers AI testing post from, uh, July

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An AI wrote this blog for us

We asked an AI to write this blog for us about whether AIs can write a meaningful blog. The results are surprising! Over 40% of marketers report that they are using some form of automation for their social media posts alone, you can bet that these numbers will continue to rise as time goes on.

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Will AI Content Writing replace Content Writers?

With more than 100 (!) different AI writing tools out there which GPT-2 or GPT-3 content generation engines to make copywriting simple and effortless, it’s possible that writers out there are getting a little concerned about their job security. There’s good news for human writers and there’s bad news, but the tl;dr of this is

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The signs of a good early-stage startup

I have been known to angel invest in a few companies and am an advisor to a few more. As part of my goal to launch 1,000 startups to $1MM in ARR over the next 6.5 years, I see a lot of startups from the inside. I want to help every startup and founder with

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Grow to Market

Build, Iterate, and Scale your Startup to $2 Million ARR

I give webinars from time to time. Here’s a short one about one of the core elements of what I’m trying to accomplish at CrowdTamers; the systems and thinking needed to build, iterate, and scale a startup from $0 to $2 million a year in revenue. I’ve done it more than dozens of times, so

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How to set up a Google Ad Account – 101 guide

Google Ads are used to help businesses increase their customer base and revenue, but the process of setting it up can be daunting. We will take a look at what Google ads do, how they are helpful for business owners today, as well as provide an easy-to-follow guide on creating your first ad campaign! How

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Build In Public

Git Gud at Growth Marketing with this Notion Dashboard

I’ve mentioned that CrowdTamers as an agency is run off of Notion plenty of times on Twitter. A few people have asked on Twitter, IndieHackers, and elsewhere exactly how I’m doing it, and I have been saying for months that I’ll get around to showing how I do it. Well, I’ve finally done it. 🙂

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How to Set Up Google Analytics 4: A Step-by-Step Guide

Setting up Google Analytics answers questions like: How many conversions did my Facebook campaign trigger? How is my content performing? Do visitors actually watch the video I produced? Which product category is the most popular? Are there any pages that perform particularly badly? Do people drop out during the checkout process? and more! So let’s

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3 levels of ad reporting

The least sexy part of marketing is what’ll kill you in the end

Marketing is fun, right? Flashy graphics. Fun campaigns! Exciting budgets! I’ve run more than a thousand different marketing campaigns over the years I’ve been in this business, and the #1 thing that everyone does wrong when they run campaigns is that they don’t build out their reporting to answer questions. I get a little shouty

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Build your website in minutes: From 0 to launch

One of our mantras is “launch your thing today” but where do you start? If you are starting to build your startup/product, the first thing you need to do is, develop your first website/landing page. This post will help you take your first steps toward launching a website — in only a few minutes. Things

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Boost your cold outreach response rates by 15% with Ad Pre-targeting

Retargeting, as an ad mechanism, is quite well known these days. Put a pixel on a landing page, send traffic there, and then continue to advertise to the people who’ve seen that page to re-engage them and try to close the deal. But what if you could pre-target your ads—send ads only to your best

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How to use LinkedIn for business: A guide for Marketers

LinkedIn for business can be a great way to build credibility, create connections with like-minded professionals, build your audience and gain insight into your industry from established experts in the field. How to use LinkedIn for Business Let’s start by creating a LinkedIn account for your business. Visit the LinkedIn Pages section of the LinkedIn

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Build In Public

Build a top of funnel test in Twitter

We’ve written previously about how to validate your top-of-funnel test on Facebook. There are a few cases where Facebook isn’t going to be the right channel for you, though: Bot traffic on Facebook can be really bad, especially since the new iOS 14 update. You might want to specifically target people who care about the

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Content Marketing

Once is Never Enough: How to Repurpose Content

“You don’t have to create content day in and day out. You just have to work on getting the content you already have in the hands of more people,” — Derek Halpern, Social Triggers It’s not always easy to come up with new ideas. Sometimes, we need a little help from our old ones. Repurposing

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Facebook Marketing 101: How to use Facebook for business

Ready to master your company’s Facebook presence? Here’s everything you need to know. ✅ Bonus: Learn how to build a top-of-funnel test campaign on Facebook. The blog explains what exactly to click and what you’ll need to prepare for your first ad campaign. A step-by-step guide to setting up Facebook for business Setting up a

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Build In Public

CrowdTamers AI Launch Report: Week 1

I comment often enough when talking to clients or new hires that I have been running growth & marketing for the better part of 20 years and I still get it wrong 70% of the time. The CrowdTamers AI launch is one of the 70%. Initial launch results are all pretty bad, but that’s not

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Level up your Content Game with Editorial Calendar

Ensuring that your content is not only fresh but relevant is as important as every other step of your digital strategy. How can you ensure that you’re posting new content regularly and keeping your team accountable for creating this content? An editorial calendar is an answer to your content scheduling woes. Holding everyone responsible and

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Build In Public

Launching your idea, from start to finish

I reached out on Twitter the other day to ask what early-stage builders grapple with advertising on social media. If you’ve read any of my previous blog posts about launching your startup, I really like social media ads as a way to test and iterate on ideas quickly, so you learn what the market wants—and

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I’m gonna give the key idea to CrowdTamers as a business away here as a thanks for reading this far. You can boil all good marketing down to 2 ideas: content and growth. CrowdTamers specializes in using content to discover how to build a growth engine. Sound interesting? Let’s chat!